


【脑补天堂 Haven on their minds】

Det börjar klarna nu
(It's getting ready now)
[My mind is clearer now]

Jag ser allt för klart
(I see everything, too clear)
[At last all too well]

allt det där ingen annan törs se
(but all the things there is no one dare to see)
[I can see where we all soon will be]


Det här ballat ur
(It has totally flipped out)
[If you strip away]

【这里的ballat ur是在某不知名软件找到的一个比较符合逻辑的英译flip out,跟英语专业的老铁讨论说这个词组本意比较常见的是精神失常/发疯了,但根据语境会有延伸义,所以取了“out of control”的意思翻译。“事情向相反的方向发展”也没毛病。】

en myt och en hype
(Myth,and hype)
[ the myth form the man]

en person, det är allt som dom ser
(A person, that's all they totally see)
[You will see where we all soon will be]



Du har själv börjat tro
(You began to believe in)
[You started to believe]

på myten om dig själv
( the myth of yourself)
[the things they say of you]

att du är enda räddningen
(That you're the only rescue)
[You really do believe]


från helvetes cell
(form the hell's cell )
[this talk of God is true]


Allt bra som du har sagt
(Everything good you have said)
[And all the good you've done]

kommer snart att glömmas bort
(will soon be forgotten)
[will soon be swept away]

kvar blir bara tomma ord
(leaving just empty words)
[You've began to matter more]

【empty word, 大话,空话,假大空。】

och ingen har förstått
(and nobody could understand)
[ than the things you say]
“没人真正领会的了 😒”

【förstått感觉还是理解成误解的反义词比较好,结合原版的“matter more”,都有耶稣的本意被误解的意思。

Ledsen ,Jesus ,det är fel det jag ser
(Sorry, Jesus, what I see are all mistakes)
[Listen Jesus, I don't like what I see]

hör på mig ,det är det enda jag ber
(Listen to me, that's the only thing I ask you)
[All I ask is that you listen to me]

För du minns väl
(Cause you remember well)
[and remember]

jag var din högra hand och följde dig
( I was your right hand man and followed you)
[I've been your right hand man all along]

【这里原版的I've been your right hand man all along也值得一提,还是那位老铁讲的。“I've been …… all along/for (time)”这样的发言是为了证明发言者“I”是有发言权有权威性的。这里应该就是一个单纯表达意志的情况,可以理解为犹大是“我跟着你这么久,你做了什么都有什么后果我看的清清楚楚,所以有资格讲你这样做是有问题的” 这个意思。

Du har försatt dom i hypnos
(You have put them in hypnosis)
[You had set them all on fire]
“你把他们带进了个‘理想乡’ ”

【哈哈,hypnosis,来自社工科班的敏感性告诉我这里没有那么简单。……主要是因为犹大唱完这句冷笑一声。这个词有催眠、催眠术、催眠状态的意思。结合原版“set them all on fire”我选择了“被催眠的状态”这个意思,可以理解为这是在指责耶稣的所说所做有强烈的暗示或者诱导效果,而他本人却还不自知。


dom säger Jesus är Guds son
(they say Jesus is the son of the God)
[They think they found a new Messiah]

men du vet hur folk kan ändra sig
(But you know how people could change)
[And they will hurt you when they find they're wrong]
“但你该知道,这样一来那些人会变成什么样 🙃”

När det började var allting så klart
(Once ,at the beginning , everything was so clear)
[I remember when this whole things began]

Du, en vanlig man, men ovanligt smart
(You ,a regular man ,but unusually smart)
[Not talk of God then they call you a man]

Du ska veta, att min beundran för dig är intakt
(You should know, my admiration for you hasn't die)
[And do believe me ,my admiration for you hasn't die]

Men nu blir allting som du säger
(But now everything that you say)
[But everything you say today ]

förvridet av dina lakejer
(distorted by your lackeys)
[get twisted 'round some other way]


Det blir nåt annat än det du har sagt
(What you said become something different)
[And they will hurt you if they think you've lied]
“你的言辞早就变了意思 🙁”

Jesus, lille snickarson
(Jesus little carpenter's son)
[Nazareth's most famous son]

född bland spikar och bland spån
(born among nails and shavings)
[Shoud have stayed a great unknown]

Du borde gå i pappas skrov
(You should go in your father's hull)
[Like his father carving wood]

nog bättre så
(that probably be better)
[He'd have made good]

Om du visat vad du kan
(If you want to know how good you are)
[Tables, chairs and oaken chests]

【这句翻译是结合后面的nog vore det bättre än来看的,我的理解是“你要真想施展才华,去当个工头也比现在当什么圣人要好”,后面那句骂真见鬼也是指现在耶稣的状况。】

ändå blivit byggförman
(then became a construction manager)
[would have suited Jesus best]

nog vore det bättre än
(It would be better than that)
[he'd have caused nobody harm]

Sånt jävla hålla
[No one alarm]
“所以真见鬼 🙄”


Jesus, bryr du dig alls om politik?
(Jesus, do you really care about politics?)
[Listen Jesus, do you care about your race?]


Har du gått vilse i magi och mystik?
(Have you lost yourself in magic and mystery?)
[Don't you see we must keep in our place?]

Du blir utnyttjad av folk som vill ha dig i deras strid
(You are being exploited by people who want you in their battle)
[We are occupied, have you forgotten how put down we are?]

Men är det den linjen du kör
(But that's the line YOU are driving)
[(73,12)I am frightened by the crowd
(00)And our conquerors object]


Måste du veta vad du gör
(You need to know what you're doing)
[(73,12)to another nosiy sect
(00)For we are getting much too loud]

Välj din väg innan nån av oss dör
(Choose your way before anyone dies,)
[And they will crush us if we go too far]

Innan nån av oss dör
(Before anyone dies !)
[If we go too far]


Jesus, lyssna till den varning jag ger
(Jesus, listen to the warning I give)
[Listen Jesus to the warning I give]

annars kan jag inte följa dig mer
(Otherwise I can't follow you anymore)
[Please remember that I want us to live]

Himmelriket det är inom oss
(The Heaven is within us)
[but is sad to see]
“ ‘天国与我们同在’ ”

Det var ju så du sa
(It's just as what you said)
[our chances weakening with every hour]

Men dom syr om det söm för söm
(But they stitched up seam unto seam)
[All you followers are blind!]

【这里主要是关注到syr,和söm这个意象。缝缝挨着缝缝,缝起来,有没想到百纳被?再结合后面的“Allt det sanna har dom gjort till falskt”,对这句我理解成信徒们因为自己个人的各样目的,把真真假假的信息拼凑起来变成“所谓”的“真相”。

till nån slags dimmig himmelsdörm
(to some kind of foggy heaven's dream)
[Too much heaven on their minds]
“——就变成了个什么虚幻的‘天国梦’ ”

Allt det sanna har dom gjort till falskt
(All of the truth they made it to false)
[It was beautiful, but now is sour]

Ja, det sanna blir till falskt
(Yes, the truth turns into false)
[Yes, it's all gone sour]
“是啊,是非颠倒,黑白不分 🙃”

Lyssna, Jesus, till den varning jag ger
(Listen, Jesus to the warning I give)
[Listen Jesus to the warning I give]

annars kan jag inte följa dig mer
(Or I can't follow you anymore)
[Please remember that I just want us to live]

Kan inte du snälla lyssna på mig nu?
(Can't you listen to me now?)
[(73,12)So come on, oh he won't listen to me ah ~
(00)So listen, Jesus to the warning I give]


Åh snälla lyssna
(O please listen to me)
[(73)Come on, listen to me
(12) so——]

Allt det sanna
(All the truth)
[(00,12)It's all ——]

blir till falskt
(became to false )
[(00,12)gone sour——]

总地看,原版是在强调耶稣的本意被人误解因此事态失控——“人们只想信他们想信的,看他们想看的东西”;而瑞典版则更强调酥哥的言行是被别有用心的人利用了——“有小人作祟”,看后面的“what's the buzz”,忽然就有了“你说的我们都知道,就你一个人在吵吵,比起这我们还是更关心怎么去耶路撒冷或者反罗马人”的感觉啊……】


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